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Transmission paths and protocols for electronic data exchange

With the dawn of digital communication, the need to exchange documents between parties in electronic form also grew. To ensure error-free transport of file-based information, various globally valid protocols have been defined, which today form the technical basis of the various transport channels for EDI data exchange.

Which protocol for which requirements?


Data exchange with your communication partners can take place via different transmission paths, which in turn use different protocols. We would like to give you a brief overview of the most important ones below.


Deutsche Telekom’s X.400 network is considered the tool of choice when it comes to transmitting highly sensitive data. BusinessMail X.400 is used by many companies from different industries for electronic data exchange.MORE


OFTP2 is the progression of the OFTP1 IT protocol, which has, however, been able to eliminate crucial weaknesses of the previous version and has established itself as a secure standard in the automotive industry.MORE


AS4 comes with some useful enhancements that go beyond the functionality of pure EDI data transport. Does increasing complexity also increase the susceptibility to errors?MORE


The Applicability Statement 2 (“AS2”) is a standard that can be used for the secure and reliable transmission of messages. Receipt confirmations can be set up; the internet connection itself can be encrypted (HTTPS). MORE


The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP or SSH File Transfer Protocol) was developed as an encryption-enabled alternative to FTP, but only requires a single connection.MORE


The FTP protocol is one of the oldest protocols and has basically been around since the internet came into existence. But is it secure enough for the requirements of modern data exchange?MORE

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